Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Michael Jackson

Okay so I'm a little late chiming in on this but...MJ found not guilty on all counts. Not because the jury thought he was innocent but because legally they can't pin anything on him and they don't like the alleged victim's mother.
A few observations...Michael, do as your attorney has promised and step away from the little boys. I realize the freak has issues but he has to be mentally retarded if he doesn't understand that little boys and adults shouldn't sleep together. Not only is it a cultural taboo but considering your wealth, it's akin to painting a bullseye on your back and begging to be sued. Join NAMBLA, it's a lot easier and a little more honest. Victim's're a skanky piece of white trash. What sane person allows their child to sleep with a grown man just because he's a celebrity and has money? Shame on you, you scummy pig. People who wasted their lives and maxed out their credit cards--imagine all of the good things you could've done had you donated your free time to charity? It's over. MJ doesn't care about you. Go home and get a life.
All that being said, could we get back to our regularly scheduled program? There's a war going on, remember?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Jack Mehoffer

Buffalo along with several large cities has fallen victim to the "Jack" format. Ugh! Another cheesy gimmick created to try and retain the few music radio listeners that are left. As someone who has worked for the medium, let me congratulate the despardoes that instituted this piece of crap. It's an attempt to mimick people's Ipods by playing seemingly random music. A station ID is dropped in periodically to reflect some faux snarky attitude. Give it a rest. How stupid do these programmers think we are?! People are seeking the refuge of their Ipods, CD's, or Internet radio for a reason. I'm a female who is over 30 but I'm not ready for a steady diet of "vagina rock" (thanks Fry for this term, which refers to Sara McLaughlin, Tori Amos, etc.). I'm in a desirable marketing demographic but unlike most women my age, I'm not a soccer mom who has lost my youth. I listen to everything from rap to classical to punk rock to jazz and I'm always looking for cool new electronica. I think Jack is dedicated to dudes 18-34 but they're into mook tunes not re-packaged 80's music (e.g. "Let's Hear for the Boy" Denice Williams aaaaagh!!!). I can't wait to see how they'll make this piece of shit float. It's audiovisual time... Just Jack Mehoffer!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Buffalo/Western New York Dictionary

In honor of my pals who are driven crazy by the way people say things around here, the beginnings of dictionary dedicated to slang and mispronunciations perpatrated by residents of Buffalo and Western New York. I often have to ask people to repeat themselves because they have a serious "flat a" accent and lack ennunciation skils. Feel free to add on in the comments section...

Bahflo (Bah-flo): Common way of identifying the City of Buffalo, which is situated in the western end of New York state along Lake Erie.

Dere (Dare): Polish influence has some peeps pronouncing "there" as "dere".

Ennernet (Ehnner-net): Faux techies mean "Internet".

Kinna (ki-na): Equivalent of "kind of".

Ohmygad (o-mi-gahd): Shows off "flat a" sound while expressing dismay and/or disgust at particular situation. Normal English speakers know this as "oh my God".

Prolly (Prah-lee): Quick way of agreeing with another's statement. It's supposed to be "probably".

'puter (pu-ter): Short form of computer.

Sometines (Some-tines): It's supposed be "sometimes" but not around here.

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