Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lifestyles of the Underemployed

Live from Eden,'s the Spike Rite and Crystal Myth show! Last night we took a field trip to Erie, Penciltucky to see Trent Reznor (reeet-reeet!) and NIN rock out. It was great show complete with visuals and Trent sporting a fun vest that showed off his newly acquired muscles. I allow special guest star, Spike Rite, to add commentary which will be in the color red...never before have I lusted after a rock dude. My wet dreams began Sunday nite in anticipation of the show, and Trent did not let me down :)

On a musical note, the heroin-free NIN still shows these children of the flower children what ROCK is all about. Jason Mraz Fuck You!

And the same goes to Young Jeezy aka Young Cheezy--the rapper who thinks he's tough but he smells. While on an urban tip, props to opener Saul Williams who actually kept the audience's attention. He's billed as a modern day Gil Scott Heron and that seemed accurate. I thought his act would go over better in a smaller venue but nonetheless, he was pretty good. His beats kicked ass. Spike is having an epilepsy episode as he tries to perform the "Robot" dance.

Audience highlights--God knows we have to display our cattiness or it wouldn't be our show---a group of F.I.T.'s (Fags in Training (although these peeps had their act down they were just on the young side) trying to get their concert lighter on. The femmiest of them burnt his hand, squealed, and dropped his lighter prompting a floor scramble to get it back. I also had the pleasure of literally farting on a fat concert drunk as she stumbled to get past me and touched my buttcrack as she walked by. I let her have it because I had to get out of my seat to accomodate her fat fupa. And several candidates for abortion. The mullet still lives. And Americans love their beer! Nothing like watching two fisted swill drinkers stumble around an arena.

I think Spike was pleased that we were able to get in and out of the venu efficiently. Yes, here's my parking ramp teee-ap: upon entering drive all the way up, follow the exit signs all the way down and park as close to the exits as possible. So while everyone else is grabbing the first spot they see (on the way UP the ramp) there's a bijillion free spots on the way DOWN. Also back in if possible for e-z exit.

What was your favorite song, Spike? "Head Like A Hole" of course, Fish. 18 years later it still kicks rock ass. True dat, Lezzie Fins, double true.

What was your favorite tune, tuna? It was "Only"--prolly 'cuz I woke up singing it in my head.

Shall we inform our limited audience what two underemployed yet educated adults of a certain age do post concert?

Why we get up much too early to listen to the Stern Show on Sirius satellite radio, drink flavored coffee, eat bagels, then eat breakfast. Then blog. Fabulous.

Yes, the bagel appetizer was a nice touch. It's fun to talk to the radio with someone else instead of the unresponsive cat. I didn't do my normal belching with Howard this a.m.

Well it was a sad day on the Stern Show with the loss of one of the Wack Packers, Cleft Palate. Yeah, that was an unexpected bummer. What did you think of the Dana Reeve passing?

Well, at least she didn't fall off a horse.

But she did like riding one. Hi Daddy! Seriously though, the chick never worked the nic sticks and got total lung cancer. Sucks ass.

Just goes to show you, rock out while you can 'cuz ya never know when your curtain's coming down for the last time.

Well said, I like the rawk analogy. I think the underemployed are capable of great pontification and it's all possible through the magic of technology. One might say it's magically delicious or tragically malicious (thanks Spike).

All I knows is that Trent's new muscles are my new inspiration. :) :) :)

Yeah so you can whip up a batch (ohhh yeaaaah!) Yes, right on Trent's chin!!!!!

Well, I gots some bidness to take care of so I guess I'd better get out of my p.j.'s or I'll be living in the p.j.'s before long. Thanks for being my overeducated and yet underemployed special guest star, Spike!

Yes, we should start our day. It's only noon.


Anonymous said...

See what happened when Trent quit drinking six packs? He developed a six pack of abs!

Rite has never lusted after a rock dude before? Ever??? I thought that was part of the whole KISS thing. And I thought you didn't go for short dudes! (Sorry, Trent) ; )

Glad you got to see Saul Williams. He's most righteous. Cool that Trent brought him on tour.

What happened to Cleft Palate???

The underemployed are capable of great pontification because their minds are unencumbered by the soul-destroying monotony of work and other meaningless drama and bullshit. I envy you.

Are you going to see Ministry and RevCo in the Falls?

Crystal Myth said...

Living in this area I might have to sacrifice height for looks. Lots of tall fugs around here. I'm sure you heard that Cleft Palate had some sort of blood cancer. I'm sure you saw the Stern show rememberance but here it is in case you missed it:

As we all know, I'm a little angst ridden about my reduction in salary. However, I don't miss the angst that was assigned to me. I'm not there as much so my load isn't as intense. I'll miss my downtime once the real work world answers my call.

Harry Ballicker said...

Whoa! I thik I need a shower and a joint after reading that! Yipe Yipe.
TR is pretty tasty! i almost went at him when I ate dinner next to him out in Williamsburg! Reet Reet.
He wasn't on the menu, but was surely the plat du jour! This encounter was pre-abs, but nice Pringles.

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