I can't remember which tour Henry Rollins said that "duly noted" equals "fuck you". Nonetheless, I filed that nugget away and wouldn't you know it--I had the opportunity to use it not once but twice in one week. It must be old age because I honestly can't remember what prompted me to reply to a snotty e-mail from the PR betch with that phrase the first time. Whatever. But time two is fresh in my mind. I had to establish a schedule for something. I had to check with four people before I could release it. As a courtesy, I included information from another schedule that I produce. The PR betch is just that. And she has overly bleached blonde hair that goes to her waist making her look like a refugee from a Stevie Nicks concert. PR betch mistook a date from one schedule and added it to the events of the other. I straightened that mess out. I also didn't like some wording on a poster so I asked that it be changed. I also asked that something else be added to a particular date. PR betch asks via e-mail that if any more changes are to occur that we talk them over. Granted, the printshop people were getting worked but the main reason was due to the PR betch's original mistake. I wrote a separate e-mail to the print shop thanking them for their extra effort and apologizing that it was required (even though I wasn't the only culprit--left that part out). And of course I responded to PR betch's request with a "duly noted".
Monday, December 29, 2008
Duly Noted
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dumbasses at Work, PR betch, Uneccessary Drama
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Kathie Me Can't Move her Face
Posted by Crystal Myth at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bad Plastic Surgery, Kathie Lee Gifford
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Facebook--My Love Hate Relationship
I hate Facebook because I was found by family drama. Ugh. Dealt with it but still. Love it cuz I'm friends with former mobster hit man, Henry Hill...
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Facebook, Family Drama, Former Mobsters
Monday, November 24, 2008
I keep seeing these Spacebag ads on TV. I'm moving if all works out. I have limited storage and limited closet space so I decided to buy some. Well their Web site works you over. If you're not thinking or not sober, you'll end up buying more crap than you need. I just wanted their basic 7 bag package. Before I knew it, I purchased the 14 bag pack (3 bags free) and I was suckered into rush delivery because regular would've taken 3-4 weeks. They play my kind like Stradivarius--oy vey!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians
Yes, Virginia, there's a blog --it's too damn funny and Johnny Goo is a favorite.
Now playing: Alix Dobkin - Living with Lesbians
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Buffalo's Architectural Splendor
Sunday New York Times
With any luck,this country mouse will soon be a city mouse. After years of renting, I hope to buy something in the Queen City. Sit tight.
Now playing: Thin Lizzy - Buffalo Gal
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Architecture, Buffalo, NY
Friday, November 07, 2008
Nader Gives Advice to Obama/ Local Viewers Give Advice to TV Bimbos
First things first...“My advice to Obama is to try and organise his people, because from day one he’s going to be a prisoner of the giant corporations, who control the government he presides over. There will be a lot of economic crisis, wars in Iraq and on the Afghanistan-Pakistani border, and growing unemployment. So he doesn’t have much room to maneuver, unless he builds more political energy among the people. Does he have a personality for that? No, he doesn’t have a challenging personality, he has an accommodating personality to power and that doesn’t spell very good news for the American people. he is very belligerent toward Russia, toward Iran, towards the Afghanistan-Pakistani border. Barack Obama’s foreign policy will be very much like George W. Bush’s second term. If anybody thinks otherwise, they better be prepared to be disappointed,” Nader said.
Found this local anchor clothing commentary while Googling a local TV person who's leaving but staying local. I was trying to figure out where she's going. Just check Allen Arrogant's column in the da News if I really want to know. Anyway, the comments on Mary Alice are priceless...
"Clothing and accessories are a problem across the board in this town...yesterday Jodi Johnston had on a long beaded necklace wrapped around her neck 3 times that looked like she had just arrived home from Mardi Gras. Mary Alice always looks like her husband held up the jewelry store in Bedrock for their last anniversary. Let's not even discuss Linda Pellegrino's attire. I think she's really into Quacker Factory though."
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Local media, Ralph Nader
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Tool for the Campaign
This poor dummy was busted on a college campus for celebrating the Obama/Biden win by cranking up his car stereo during an impromptu celebration. Besides being a walking campaigning advert, he also plans on enrolling in the army. Sad. See story here.
I pulled the lever for McKinney/Clemente and promptly mouthed the phrase, "Whoop Ass!!" upon doing so. I knew she'd lose but I had to give her some props. 665 people in Erie County voted for her. Too bad we didn't get one more. A little more than 1,000 voted for Nader.
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Criminals, Joseph Biden
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Getting My Vote On...
I live in NYS so the the lesser of the two evils i.e. Barack Obama should win. If I lived in the "must win" states, I'd vote for Obama (but I'd hold my nose while I did so). In 2004, I held my nose and voted for John Kerry. I feared that voter fraud would negate my vote so I went with the flow.I'm more confident now so I can vote my conscious even though it means getting comments such as "you wasted your vote". No, just because I voted for a 3rd party candidate who was not invited to the table to debate doesn't mean my vote is a waste. It allows me to support someone who's stance reflects my own beliefs even if they don't have a chance in hell. Isn't that the American way?
I don't like McCain/Palin--plain and simple. There is nothing to like. Obama isn't a bad guy. Compared to what we're dealing with now he looks like a knight in shining armor but he and Biden aren't that far off from the Republicans. Obama/Biden talk a good game but in the end, they are beholden to nearly the same masters/financial interests that McCain/Palin are. Obama/Biden just seem more benign.
My choice? Cynthia "Whoop Ass" McKinney and Rosa Clemente of the Green Party. Why? Ron Paul couldn't get on the ballot nor could Dennis Kucinich (raised 35 articles of impeachment against Bush) so I can't vote for either of them. I could do a write-in but I have another choice. As a Congresswoman in 2004, Cynthia opened her can of whoop ass on Donald Rumsfeld and called him on the DynCorp shenanigans. Private mercenaries getting their sex trade on---PIGS who kept Pentagon contracts while they did this:
She's a homegirl who's willing to throwdown and make mincemeat out Rummy. She spoke out on the aftereffects of Katrina:
I believe I am being radical in supporting a Black woman and an Hispanic woman for president and vice president. When the peeps start bitching "Where's the change?", I can be satisfied that I didn't vote for the mainstream. And I'm in good company.
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Cynthia McKinney, John McCain, Voting
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Facebook Etiquette
I don't really know if there is such a thing but...while surfing the site, an ex's profile came up. I honestly stumbled upon it by accident. He had some Facebook Friends that I was or am also friends with. I cherry picked the ones that I really liked and extended friends invites. Did I breech Facebook etiquette if there is such a thing?
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Getting Personal
I have never done online personals in hopes of finding a man. I've heard many success stories but you have to do a lot of sifting. It's almost like a part-time job. Between my full-time gig, an upcoming part-time gig, and house hunting, I just don't have the time. But I do have time for a good laugh. Yahoo made their personals accessible so I entered for a giggle and found one. I chose loverboy below because I could tell by the mini-picture that a female had been cropped out. Typical move.
I'm all inch-high private eye. Not worth my time.
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cheap Laughs, Online Dating
Friday, October 24, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Flops Mosh Pit
It's no secret that I hate shopping at Flops Communist Supermarkets. It was a mosh pit for some reason--apparently all day as the frazzled workers indicated. Anyway, I grabbed a stubby cart and purchased cat food (what else?), cat treats (ditto), cat litter and two four packs of Johnnie Ryan soda (with real sugar). The lines were so ridiculous that I stood parallel to the registers behind a little old lady. Another register suddenly opened. A man yelled, "Mother, Mother another register is opening c'mon up!" She started to move when a little, middle-aged women who may have been standing in what she perceived to be a line started making skeevy gestures. Hanging with my NYC peeps has taught me to watch for people on the make. The old lady got in ahead of her son. The son and his mate looked at me as if I was going to make trouble. I said, "Go ahead, sir."--I wasn't about to interfere with someone extending a kindness to an elderly person, especially their own mom. I firmly planted myself behind them. A short, middle-aged woman looked up at me and declared, "You weren't in line."
"Yes, I was. I was standing behind that elderly lady who just went ahead." Another couple tried to argue with me about where they were in line but I stood my ground. They turned out to be okay and lived with the situation.
Shorty looked at the contents of my cart and said, "How rude. I only have one thing." (Like I had 42 things and was violating the "15 items or less" edict) As she started to walk away, I said, "You weren't in line. You were walking around!" It was the God's honest truth. The way I saw it, Ms. Biznitch thought she could just cut because she didn't have a cart. Just because you're schlepping some crummy store made rolls doesn't give you the right to get in my way. I'm tired of being taken for some dope who will just give in as someone violates my space. I hope those rolls join the others on your hips and ass you dried up old TWA Tea!
Now playing: The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 6:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Brolin v. Brolin
I've always thought James Brolin was way hot. It started when I was a youngster staying up "late" to catch Marcus Welby, M.D. just to check out Dr. Steven Kiley. I kept tabs on him over the years. I congratulated Babs aka Barbra Streisand for getting herself some good eats when they got hitched. But unfortunately, the apple seems to fall far from the tree when it comes to his son Josh Brolin. He seems to be hitting his stride as an actor in "No Country for Old Men" and the forthcoming "W" but he's just not cute. It's a real disappointment! He sort of looks like his dad but upon further inspection, his eyes are too close together. No soft spot for him but I am looking forward to "W". I wish I could look forward to his dad coming over to my house in about an hour...
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: James Brolin, Josh Brolin
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mug Shots--Major League Busts
The Smoking Gun has done it again with a salute to Major League Baseball! Don't miss out on the three hot tranny messes from suburban NYC!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: Hot Tranny Messes, Major League Busts, Mug Shots
Friday, October 10, 2008
County Executive Botox
I love a man who's vain enough to get his face chemicalized into a permanent state of puzzlement but won't spring to get the bags around his neck rectified. What a tool!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:54 AM 3 comments
Labels: Botox, County Executive Collins, Douche, Tool
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Bugger or Booger Off!
In the midst of a fun week-end; Vietnamese grub (reet-reet) at Pho 99, Religulous--Bill Maher's take on all things Judeo-Christian, and watching Willie Nile at the Lafayette Tap Room, my sinuses decided to do a number on me! I had a raging headache until last night at about this time. Mucinex D is like manna from heaven--yeah it dries out my mouth and I'm constantly whizzing but at least it minimizes the thunderous earache and headache that my sinuses cause.
As I suffered through Monday, I learned that some big governmental muckety mucks lunched with some of the higher ups at work. One is a tool who's all about privatizing while the other isn't judicious about where he uses his married tool. It was amusing to learn that ringers were being sought from the staff to make the workstead's cafe look busy. Monday is their slow day. In this economy most of my peeps have cut back on lunching there--it's nice but the cost adds up. The muckety mucks lunched in what used to be "bum's row". Before they moved the furniture, it was lined up along the perimeter of the cafe. Those who could afford to eat were center stage while the homeless and the run of the mill crazies sat in what were newer chairs looking in. It was a creepy scene and almost surreal. A microcosm of the real world--those who can afford it chow down and ignore Buffalo's underbelly as they look on. It was really uncomfortable--I sort of stopped eating in the cafe because of it. Now they've been relegated to the window area way across the hall. They get a nice view and the cafe customers do, too. Nonetheless, the governmental types better wake up. Those bums could become the majority if the economy continues going the way it is.
I made it through the work day to tend to my night time duties. A book discussion event. I helped work the door. We had our usual gang of idiots mixed in with the mostly nice people that show up. Earlier in the day, my liberrian senses told me that the set up at the door was going to be a hassle. The table for donations, etc. blocks a ramp that the handicapped could use. The retired staff member who runs the event doesn't seem to give a damn. I guess he skipped out the door before the long arm of ADA compliance reached him.
I was sitting at the offending table in my misery but trying to be pleasant. I smiled and said "hello" to an older woman who moved at a steady clip while carrying a cane with four prongs. She seemed okay so I didn't say anything. A lot of disabled people don't like it when you fuss over them. They usually say something or look very troubled as they try to move. Those are my cues to jump in and help. As she walked by she said, "Think of yourself, dear." When my ear is plugged due to sinus problems, I constantly ask people to repeat themselves. So I asked and I received. I looked at her and said quite puzzled, "What makes you say that?" She proceeded to bark about the ramp being blocked. I offered to move and interrupted Mr. Retiree's conversation with Betchbag (an organization member who treats me like a 'Girl Friday'--she seems to think I'm young and stupid, I know I think she's old, obnoxious, and petty) by loudly saying, "Excuse me, that lady needs help!" She kept moving and claimed an aisle seat toward the back of the room. The reality is the ramp would've have taken her out of her way. Those two steps while possibly painful meant less walking. She was just being abusive--she's bitter about her condition and takes the arrangement as a personal affront. She complained previously but it fell on deaf ears. I was really offended by her remark as I frequently hold doors for many people and if I see a disabled person struggle, I do my best to help. The old bitch ended up dozing off during the presentation. Hmmmph!
She managed to leave without trouble and I was glad to see her go. I noticed a lady in a people cart with oxygen tubes. I was proactive and approached her about moving the table. Despite all that was wrong with her, she was very pleasant, thanked me and said that her husband would help her. Your attitude determines your latitude as Kanye would say.
I got the hell out of there as soon as possible and exchanged my Mucinex DM Maximum Strength for the Mucinex D. Of course, I had to present my license and sign off on my purchase of pseudoephedrine because in the name of narco-terrorism, I could be setting up a meth lab instead of suffering like hell with an earache/headache. The "Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005" was rolled into the USA Patriot and Improvement Act of 2005. Oh yeah invade my privacy that will keep me safe from the bogeyman or was that the booger man?
Now playing: Government Issue - Asshole
via FoxyTunes,
Posted by Crystal Myth at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Betches, Mucinex D Rocks, Self-Righteous Assholes, sinus pain
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Kardio Mix This Betch!
I recently made my triumphant return to the gym. I've been going several times a week mixing cardio and weight lifting. It's made me feel and look better. I decided to take an exercise through community education just to try and challenge myself. I attended this evening and I was not prepared at all. I arrived right on time and this Tazmanian Devil instructor was already worked up into a lather with everyone jumping and bouncing around. The music was loud and she was shrill with a Baaahflo accent. She would perform moves but provide very little instruction or explanation on how to execute them. Her moves were complicated and it was hard to see what she was doing. After awhile, I stood arms akimbo and at one point hand on hip ghetto style before I grabbed my shiznit and headed for the fitness center. I was so disappointed! I did the rowing machine and lifted some weights while I observed a "Stronger Bones Better Bodies" class. Gone was the frenetic pace, bad music, and Sgt. Betchbag orders. They were actually laughing and having fun while doing weight and balancing work. Since I can't get my $ back, I asked if I could switch to that class instead.
Six minutes 'til pitbull with douche starts...
Posted by Crystal Myth at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Exercising, Sarah Palin
Friday, September 26, 2008
Word Up, Wanda!!
I should be going to bed but I can't help but share my excitement over the nomination of Wanda Jackson to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Granted, there are a lot of people who argue about who should be there e.g. it ain't Mike Rite's R&RHF until KISS makes it but it is the way we pay homage to music stars of recent history.
Back in March of this year, the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival featured a film about Wanda Jackson The Sweet Lady with the Nasty Voice. They also brought her to town for Q&A and a concert. I couldn't think of anyone else who would go to this event so I got myself a ticket and went. I bought an autographed photo of her and got to shake her hand. Sooo cool. Something told me to make every effort to go and I'm so glad I did!! The photo above is a little a harsh but trust me, she is a sweet, elegant lady who still rocks. The pink guitar is part of a line with her name on it. Elvis Costello has been making the case for her induction and all I can say is it's about damn time. Congratulations Wanda!!!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Overdue Acknowledgements, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Wanda Jackson
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Chong Bong and a Ding Dong
I recently finished Tommy Chong's Cheech and Chong: the Unauthorized Biography. Although a little self-serving, it was an interesting read on a comedy duo who had a lot of influence in the 1970's and 1980's. Anyway, Chong says he and the Governator, Schwarzenegger, used to rock the ganga. TMZ got Arnuld to admit to it...
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Morning in the Suburbs of Baaaahflo
I love where I live. So does everyone else because as a single female of limited means I'm outpriced when it comes to buying property. Unless a miracle happens but those are few and far between. For the time being, I enjoy where I live because it's fairly quiet and very idyllic. I recently left Sally Maxipad Fitness Centers, aka Bally Matrix (old name) now Bally Total Fitness. Click here for my review. Anyway, I joined a gym near my place and it is great! The equipment is nothing fancy but the locker room is spotless, the clientele is nice and doesn't bother you, and I get there more often since it's close by.
I started off this morning with a weightlifting work out. I had to head over to Slops Communist Supermarkets for cat treats, pomegranate juice, and unbeknownst to me organic cookies (pseudo oreos) from the healthy market section. I knew I was entering a "war zone" i.e. the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning after 9 a.m. Mid-morning 'til mid day is when the potpourri of the white 'burbs materialize. Senior citizens, families with their crotchfruit and strollers in tow, kids, teens, etc. etc. Recently, Slops placed signs in the fire lanes indicating that they should remain clear, no pick ups or drop offs. A BMW in front of me pulls into the fire lane forcing me to drive around his vehicle, which is sticking out. I drive by and resist the temptation to beep and instead shake my head. I find a spot and Mr. BMW drives by and I shake my head again and give him some stink eye with sunglasses. I resent people of any socioeconomic status who insist that their needs trump the flow of traffic but I really hate it when some well-moneyed jerk off does this. There are plenty of these people in my neck of the woods.
I went into the store and ran into Mr. BMW who recognized me as the girl who dared to give him stink eye. This time I gave it to him without my sunnies. He didn't say a word but I was ready for him. I don't know if it even registered that he shouldn't drop off in a fire lane. I thought that maybe whoever he dropped off had health problems but then immediately thought that if they did, it's time to get a handicapped permit. Pride be demanded. If you can afford the car, you can obtain the permit. He was a short, little, older man who looked like he wasn't used to be called on anything. For future reference, maybe the signs should be more explicit:
No fat people drop off--walk a little, you might lose some weight.
No elderly drop off--get a proper permit that allows you to park closer or at least a license plate indicating your status so others can be forgiving of your circumstances.
I grabbed my items and strolled toward the Farmer's Market to get in the fray for some quality produce. I stopped at a table that was dedicated to conserving open space. The gentleman at the table was busy talking so I asked the lady if this effort was to prevent more subdivisions and new builds. The gentleman quickly jumped in to say this wasn't a prevention effort per se but...we agreed that ultimately protection of open space would prevent this suburban sprawl. I signed on. Granted, I probably won't live here too much longer but this area is quaint and shouldn't be ruined by nouveau riche trash. I purchased some beautiful Roma tomatoes, a sunflower, a "storage" onion--the flavor is very pungent but diminishes the longer you keep it or when it is cooked, and some Yukon Gold potatoes. I also indulged in some homemade chocolate/peanut butter fudge and peanut brittle. Mmmm-mmm.
My suburban morning has quickly turned into an afternoon. I'll leave you with a lovely photo of an unruly Bills fan being hauled out of the audience. Bloodied and full of Genesee Screamers or Bud Light and wondering where he'll find the money to pay his fine...Da Bills!!!
Now playing: Armed & Hammered - Beer
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Buffalo Sports fans, Farmers Market, Slops Communist Markets
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Holy Cats!
Check it--two fat cat reports. The last one is from China. Methinks they're fattening the cat up for their version of Thanksgiving.
Now playing: Marc Almond - Cats
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chinese Thanksgiving, Fat Cats
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Buffalo's Afternoon "Rush" Hour (or Flush Hour as the case may be)
Yes, I'm writing about something that sort of doesn't exist. Real rush hours happen in larger cities with populations that are busting a move for a train, subway, bus, etc. However, I work in downtown Buffalo and like clockwork you can count on the main thoroughfares being crowded at key times of the day. For example the 33 or Kensington Expressway, the Skyway, or in my case Oak St. to the 190 S ramp.
View Larger Map
Picture this--homesquirrel i.e. me didn't have the opportunity to dump at work due to a lack of time or the Oz style County bathrooms didn't provide me with the privacy needed to take care of bidness. So I'm packing some serious fudge... I feel that slow downward descent that's heading for my exit. It's under control but just not super comfortable. I hit Oak St. and that's where the nightmare begins. Nobody knows how to navigate Oak as it approaches the 190S ramp and Seneca St. If you want the 190, your best bet is to stay to the right and allow traffic in the left lane to turn onto Seneca. Of course, no one stays organized, drivers block intersections along Oak after the light turns red, etc. Whenever I've got to download, inevitably there's an accident or jam on Oak St. or the 190 that prevents me from getting to the comfort of my turlet in an efficient manner. This prompts an O.J. Simpson style hurdle as I jump over the cat and run down the hallway to my throne when I arrive at my castle.
There was some smash up derby action at Oak and Seneca, which snarled up traffic as police and emergency crews were called in. If there was audio from my car, you'd hear, "Aw dammit, c'mon! I gotta poo!" I waded my way through the snarl and the volume to finally reach the 190. Drivers don't seem to understand how to merge from that Oak St. ramp onto the 190. Most have this idea that they can immediately merge to the center or left lanes without building up the speed needed to keep up with drivers who are moving at 55 to 65 (if not more) mph. This creates lines as the pussies try to stay in the right lane while the retards make life miserable for center and left lane drivers. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad today. Needless to say I was happy to see my commode but I don't think it was too happy to see me. Puck-ding!
p.s. check out these ridiculous dudes making out as Lehman Bros. goes down the turlet.
Now playing: Iggy Pop - No Shit
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bad Drivers, Buffalo Traffic, Murphy's Law, Pooping at Work
Friday, September 12, 2008
Olbermann Rocks
Amen brutha!
Now playing: Paris - What Would You Do?
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Freaky Friday
Howdy Neighbor,
We were both leaving the apartment complex where I live and where I think you live. You drove ahead, reached the top of the driveway and turned left. You didn't use your signal but I didn't expect you to. You had your cell phone perched between your scrunched up shoulder and your ear. We reached the end of the street, stopped for the stop sign and proceeded to the next light. It turned green but the conversation must have been really interesting because you stopped under the green light. I looked to see if someone or something was in your way. Your inability to multi-task is what made you grind to a halt. I hit the horn. You stuck your head out the window and gave me a "what for?!" look. I pointed at the light to try and communicate that it was green. Then I made a phone out of my pinkie and index fingers and placed it near my ear followed by a hang up motion. You made "blah, blah" stop lecturing me about driving and talking gestures. I made "you look like a dumb girl blathering on the phone" gestures. You responded by flipping me your dirty finger--literally, your hand was grubby. I kept the dumb girl on phone bit going as you drove. You dead stopped in the street so I'd have to hit the brakes. I beeped in response. We approached the traffic circle. You were first but I had my single on first. I guess you can't be responsible for making the right moves at the right time when you're busy talking on the phone *and* yelling at me because you were in the wrong. You were nice enough to use your left turning signal when you hit the Rite Aid. I made a "eat my TWA-tea" gesture with my fingers and mouth.
Was any of this necessary? Granted, I shouldn't of indulged in the childish gesture bit but I am so over people who make their phone priority 1. If you love your phone that much, get a headset so you can drive and talk. Even better, stay home and talk. I had to go to work. He probably had to hit Rite Aid to pick up some crab lice meds. I will applaud myself for not flipping him off.
Now playing: Johnny Cash - Drive On
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bad Drivers, Bad Manners, cell phones are wrong, Mooks
Monday, September 01, 2008
(Non) Labor Day
Nothing like time off. Well deserved and much needed. I've been exercising but I've also been baking. I checked out cookie porn aka cookie madness and found a Rachel Ray recipe called "Coco Loco". Reeeeet! I made the coconut and almond brownies for a picnic that I attended yesterday and they were a success! I walked to the store to get the coconut as I needed some exercise. I got behind a chubby lady who appeared to be done shopping until her equally chubby hubby (not ice cream) showed up with some shit bag soda--generic and dayglo orange--ugh! They passed it practically in front of my face without so much as an apology or an "excuse me". All I could think was "soda, you definitely need more soda!". These people weren't much older than me and they are on their way to fatslobhood! So sad. I queued up practically on her back, which earned me a porky look. I hated to be betchy but don't add unnecessary items to the tail end of your transaction, not apologize, and then get offended 'cuz I'm ready for my overdue transaction. People are self-centered, Buffalonians forget anyone else exists when a feedbag is on the agenda.
Now playing: Violent Femmes - Fat
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Brownies, Feedbags, No Manners, Obese Women, Recipes
Friday, August 29, 2008
Feces @ Your Library/ Ain't No Stopping Us Now...
It's a two-fer or two mints in one. On Monday, I walked out of my work area and a horrible smell permeated the hall. No surprise as I'm not too far from the public restrooms and sometimes it just smells like urine/ass. The floors are rather mottled in coloration--think a calico cat. I looked down as I walked and saw something the size of a Baby Ruth that blended into the floor. Naahh--it couldn't be....sho'nuff! Feces! I returned to my office, called maintenance and told them in the most delicate way that they had a job to do. I learned later that the maintenance guy had to follow the "trail of tears" because Mr. Download let loose on the first floor, too! It brought back NYC memories of "shake, rattle, and roll" or as Paulie warned me, bums who couldn't or wouldn't find a bathroom who would let the solid byproduct roll down their pant legs. Many people think public libraries are so genteel. Considering that there are fewer and fewer resources for the indigent and/or mentally ill we get all kinds of crazy shit--quite literally!
Speaking of shit, newsflash Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is John McCain's running mate! If he wins, we could have our first female president by default! Palin is anti-choice, which means trouble for women in their childbearing years. Quite frankly, once again this is a contest between Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich. Neither candidate does anything for me--they're essentially the same. My protest vote goes to Cynthia McKinney
She won't win but I can actually support her.
Which leads me to the Obama speech last night at the DNC. The major networks had little/nothing to do with the convention, which really surprised me. I guess "Wife Swap" and the "Greatest American Dog" should take precedence over what happens in the political arena...anyway... While we were waiting for his appearance, music was played. "Ain't No Stopping Us Now" was on and the reactions were hi-fuckin'-larious! The camera panned to some of the whitest people EVER who either got down in a robotic way or didn't do anything. After awhile, synchronized flag waving in time to the song reigned supreme over the white folk. Meanwhile, various sista squirrelfriends and bruthamen were mouthing the words and shakin' their boo-tay, totally reprazentin'! Thank God! I realize the DNC is pretty soulless but jeez. They also played what I call the Paul Wellstone funeral theme..."Love Train". I say it's his funeral theme because when they had a funeral service for him, his wife and daughter who perished in a plane crash, they played the song over and over and over until everything was in place. Whenever I hear it, I think of Wellstone.
Now playing: McFadden and Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cynthia McKinney, DNC, Feces, John McCain, Library Patrons, Obama, Sarah Palin
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I'm Getting to the Point Where...
The Buffalo Brewfest moved its annual event to the HSBC arena. All the other venues that they've used in the past have been too small and overcrowded. Ahh the arena...spreading out so far and wide. Not. They opted to use the hallway rather than the wide open space that the arena would have provided. I'd like to know who the brain surgeon was that decided to advertise the event on rock radio (which guaranteed frat boy mook douches would attend in droves) and then stuff everyone into a hallway. I felt like I was back in college at Goodbar getting that simulated birth canal feeling as I carefully navigate a crowd of drunks. My sinuses were acting up and the air conditioning was trumped by the sheer volume of people. All in all I tried some good beers e.g. McNeil's Scottish Ale (cask condition) from Flying Bison and Cascazilla from Ithaca Beer Company along with a few stouts and porters from vendors that I'd have to look up. We escaped to the upper level to get some air periodically. I'm trying not to be too much of a fuddy duddy but I'm at the point that where I'm less tolerant. My co-worker who I hung out with at this event lets his love of beer outweigh his hatred of crowds. He's older than I am so good for him. Anyway, when serving quality microbrews, allow participants to spread out and sit down if need be. Don't bother with a dj who plays shitty music. Make the event civilized and the frat boys will either get the idea or leave.
As someone who has to interact with the public, I'm getting to the point where I'm tired of people's bad manners and lack of consideration dominate. I'm in the middle of helping someone. Another patron interrupts to let me know that they're done with something and leaving it on the book truck next to my desk. They want to use my pen when we have free golf pencils for them to use and a machine that dispenses pens for 0.25. I tend to be on the Howard Hughes and Howard Stern side and don't like germy strangers touching my belongings. I buy my own pens and bring them to work because the office supply pens are lame.
Democracy Now reported on Trouble the Water ,which chronicles the Roberts before during and after Katrina. Kimberly and her husband Scott were 9th ward residents of New Orleans. Kimberly, an aspiring rapper, purchased a video camera off the street days before the storm and shot some amazing footage. They met the directors of Trouble while staying at a Red Cross shelter. They agreed to let the directors follow them as they rebuilt their lives. Kimberly's insider footage is powerful. The film opened in L.A. and N.Y. I hope it comes to Buffalo, I'd really like to see it. The Roberts tell how they tried to get shelter at a nearby military barracks but were turned away during the storm! Recalling Katrina puts my beer tasting complaints into perspective.
Now playing: Louis Armstrong - Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bad Manners, Beer, Katrina, Library Patrons, Microbrew
Thursday, August 14, 2008
There's a Bad Moon on the Rise...
Oy vey! What a day! Let me back track to say that my sinuses have been driving me crazy with all the rain that we've been getting over the last few days. I had a lot of ear pain since last Friday so I decided to try and see my doctor. I couldn't get in until today at 8:45am. Keep in mind that I was scheduled to close at work (12-8pm) and I didn't feel like wasting the gas and time to drive home and back from downtown. She diagnosed me with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. Essentially short of moving there's not much I can do other than heavily medicate myself with allergy meds, ibuprofen, and mucinex.
I was at a local coffee shop by 9am. Back in the old days, I would've gone in and started working on something but after the layoff, I'm careful about staying overtime. Why bother when it doesn't count for anything? I had plenty to do for myself--a book I needed to read for a discussion group that I'll be hosting, planning a class that I'll teach in the the Spring, etc. I took to the back room of the coffee shop and proceeded to get comfortable when some toddlerish (4 or5 years old) crotch fruit came running back. Of course they decided to sit near me. Mom must've sent them ahead. Sure enough she and an older woman followed. Things quieted down once the feedbag was presented. I figured if they continue to behave, I could stay. Of course, mom's discussion of her artistic production and her advisor's recommendations were just a bit too much for the little darling. He fussed so he and his sister were sent to a nearby table. Just as he was getting to ready to leave, I leaned down to get something out of my bag when I heard a fart about two feet from my face. I jumped back and said, "Excuse you". He looked a bit puzzled and acted as if he didn't do anything. Thankfully, mom didn't catch my comment because I really couldn't tell her with a straight face that her kid just farted in my general direction. It was at that point that I decided to relocate. Between the chatter and the butt trumpet, my idyllic oasis just wasn't working out. Why do pretentious adults think that kids should hang out in coffee shops?
Work was uneventful until about 6pm. My co-worker reported that a crazy lady just started a negative discussion about Buffalonians and their attitude--nobody wants to help her no matter where she goes, they just call security and throw her out. Danger Will Robinson Danger! She went on to say that she's from Miami and that down there they also do the same. She proceeded to ask about Buffalo's history. He found answers but recommended that she check out another department. She was pushing her own wheelchair but did not want to travel down the hall. She wanted him to call the department on her behalf. Apparently, this brought the staff member in charge of the building into the matter. By the time she turned up at my desk (7pm) she wanted to make a complaint against that person. She said they stereotyped her by presuming that she was homeless. Just because she's Black doesn't mean she's homeless, etc. etc. I put my yoga training into practice by breathing deeply and listening. I offered her a comment form and discretely alerted the staff member in charge that this lady might show up at the administrative offices tomorrow.
Shortly before closing time she parked herself outside the bathroom door and asked the guard to get some spray for the ladies room because it smells bad in there. He refused and rightfully so. Maintenance is hard to contact after hours. He's a security guard not the tidy bowl man.
She came by my desk and asked if copies cost anything. I said that they did. She then wanted me to look up the NAACP in Buffalo and any other civil rights groups in the area--with 15 minutes to go--and giver her computer print outs. I offered to write the information down because we charge for those print outs. I didn't want to become her Internet jockey. I found the information and gave it to her but then she tried to interrupt a transaction between myself and another patron. I brushed her off and thankfully she didn't materialize when the closing announcement went off. I grabbed my shiznit and hit the door even though I had to water the toilet. I figured "fuck it" just get out of here and take care of biz at home. I try my best to be kind to the crazy and indigent but I get really irritated when they think the world owes them something. Librarians are fast becoming de facto social workers as the economy takes a serious crap. We are not trained as such and it's extremely stressful. "America Gone Wrong: A Slashed Safety Net Turns Libraries into Homeless Shelters," tells our plight.
As I ascended the highway, I looked at the dark grey sky and the bright patches mixed in to find a rainbow to the south and a full moon not far away--hence the difficult loony tune. As Buffalo's Harold Arlen once said, "Somewhere over the rainbow..."
Now playing: Buddy Guy - It's A Jungle Out There
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Crazy patrons, crotch fruit, full moon, sinus pain
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
As in de-scusting! Another local 30 something female who feels compelled to sniff out some fresh 14 year old fermunda cheese! First it was the South Buffalo charter school teacher and mother of three who made a suicide pact with a 14 year old boy. She's up on charges after being fired. Now it's some lame ass mother of four who lives in the projects and decided to revisit her misspent youth by posing as a 17 year old girl so she could meet a 14 year old guy. She was about 30 when they met and she got pregnant. He's now 16 and according to his step dad they share custody of the toddler with Ms. Predator. I'm sorry but when I was 30 something, a 14 year old was the last thing I was thinking about. They're usually smelly, unwashed and have peach fuzz and zits on their faces. Yuck!
Aside from the skeevy nature of this latest act, what gets me is that we taxpayers will foot the bill for her five (product of rape makes five) kids while this 32 year old does two years in jail. Here's my bet, she gets out and has more kids. Pig!
Now playing: The 2 Live Crew - Me So Horny
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 02, 2008
In the Name of the Children and in Order to Fight Terror...
I heard the toilet flush as I read this Buffalo News story about the ability of Customs Agents to confiscate your laptop, MP3 player, or phone without suspicion of wrongdoing. Nice!
What the article neglected to say is that print materials are subject to review! The details of the policy can be found here. It's five pages long. Apparently, this sort of scrutiny has been a "long-standing practice" according to the document. Terrorism, child p*rn, and intellectual property violations are a few of the reasons to essentially crawl into your electronic underpants and see if you have any dingleberries.
Let's break this down. Terrorism is probably the most common reason that people will give up their rights. The public has been brainwashed to be scared of a convenient bogeyman--one that our leadership pulls out whenever they sense people's resistance to new nonsense rules. Child p*rn is another reason. Let it be stated that I in no way endorse this material. Yes, I understand that there are horrible international rings that pass this garbage across borders. But I wish authorities would stop pretending that their overreaching investigations will completely and fully eradicate that scourge! Whenever a loss of a right happens, quite often "the children" are invoked to justify the loss. No one has a right to kiddie p*rn but our possessions should not be randomly searched without cause!! Watch this video where Cynthia "Can of Whoop Ass" McKinney gives it to Donald Rumsfeld over Dyncorp and its sexual abuse of women and little girls. Forgive my deliberate censorship of the word p*rn but I know that search engines have crawlers and I don't want a knock on my door because I'm exercising my First Amendment rights.
Anyway, the Intellectual Property violations aren't a life or death matter. So someone swipes a designer's logo and they're selling ripoffs as the real deal? Yes, that's wrong but no one will lose their life. There are other ways to investigate!
I have always been careful of what sort of reading material I have when I travel. I realize that the assclowns who take away our fingernail clippers and regular sized bottles of shampoo, etc. are indoctrinated to watch for "certain" kinds of print items. Your right to read is protected by the First Ammendment**except at border crossings into/out of the U.S.
For what little good it will do, I'll be on the blower/e-mail to my representatives to do something because this is re-godamndiculous! Even rollover Congressman Brian Higgins sees the overarching practices as wrong. That's got to tell you something.
Now playing: David Bowie - This Is Not America
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bullshit, Civil Liberties, Police State
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Channeling My Inner Barf Bag
Tim Russert has been discussed ad infinitum. Some people are still recovering. For example, the local NBC affiliate's Scary Hairless Dumbell. I refuse to give her real name for promotional purposes even though mine is just a little unread blog. She's a former Miss NYS who dated a local news anchor and parlayed a radio news gig into an anchor job. As George Carlin would say, she's just a pile of clothes reading a teleprompter. However, in her defense, the television news industry has gone so far into the abyss that shlocky local yokels who look anchorish have a chance to thrive. I wonder if she'll hit the plastic surgery route as age and estrogen loss reveal that her better days are behind her. I don't normally follow what she does but occasionally I drop by for laugh. Read her "Channeling My Inner Russert" and get ready to puke. To paraphrase Senator Lloyd Bentsen, honey, you're no Tim Russert. But then again, a lot of people thought he was a tool for the Man so maybe in your own little way, you are.
Now playing: Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Channel Screw, Lloyd Bentsen, Scary Hairless Dumbell, Tim Russert
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Tops v. Wegmans
I'm of your demographic--female, over 30 but under 60 years old. I've written to you in past to express my displeasure but you basically ignored me with your pat answers. My complaints were in reference to the bogus self-checkout and the lawn furniture and other assorted crap that gets in the way of me and my feedbag. The *only* reasons that I still venture into your store is that it is about a mile away from me and your Bonus Card/Spy Shopper cards allow me to accrue points so I can save *a little* off of my gas bill when I pay to pump gas at your filling stations. But those points don't accrue continually, which I think is downright bullshit and does nothing to promote customer loyalty. Not that you care about that.
- Although your newer stores are insanely behemoth, overall your presentation, abundance of product, and lay out are great.
- Your cheese shops, deli, produce, and take out are the shiznit! Everything is attractively presented, fresh, and tasty.
- Your international wares rule. I learn so much when I shop at Smegs. Who knew that Israeli feta is better than Greek or even French feta cheese?
- When I leave your stores, I feel as if I have lots of great stuff to make and/or try when I get home.
I should know better than to shop mid-morning on a Sunday but I can never get to Wegmans. It's just not close enough to burn the gas. But today I had an excuse--I had to visit Bed Bath and Your Uncle and BJ's. Both are pretty close to Smegs. It's a huge store and they give you equally gigundous shopping carts. This makes maneuvering around big Buffalonians a tough task. Smegs offers free samples. Great--but the trouble is the mooches clog up the aisles and get in my way. They're a lot more into the seasonal merchandise than they used to be. I wish they'd just stick to food and beverage. Trader Joe's is awesome because they have high quality without the lawn furniture. Kudos to them, I wish they were here.
Wegmans is a real WNY treasure. I realize they are now located in several other states. As long as the quality remains the same, it's all good by me. Tops is like that nasty neighborhood girl that guys befriend just to get some in a pinch. Not much in the way of quality but it'll do.
p.s. sidebar--I saw Jodi Johnston from Ch. 2 at Smegs. Her son was pushing a cart and I saw this atypical tall thin woman not far behind. I looked at her with that puzzled "Where do I know you from?" face. Then it clicked and it clicked again as I realized that I haven't watched Ch. 2 news in years!!
Now playing: The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Feedbags, Food, Foolish People, Tops, Wegmans
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Bioterror Blunder Explained
I caught the Hallwalls exhibit of Seized which closed yesterday.
It documents the trials and tribulations of University at Buffalo art professor Steven Kurtz. Long story short Kurtz's wife died very unexpectedly in May 2004. What should have been a very routine police call spiraled into nearly four years of nightmarish accusations. Kurtz is also a founding member of the award winning art and theatre collective, Critical Art Ensemble. When the police entered his Allentown neighborhood home, they found a small lab set up. It was to be part of an upcoming CAE exhibit. Authorities warned him that the F.B.I. would want to speak with him. The next day while on his way to make funeral arrangements for Hope, his wife, the F.B.I. detained him for 22 hours, without charge, on the suspicion of "bioterrorism". They searched his home and took several thousand dollars in equipment and other materials (most of which were never returned). They donned Hazardous Materials suits while searching his place as the TV cameras rolled (photo to the left). His home was cleared of containing any dangerous substances. The lab had non-lethal bacteria that was used in his art. Hope Kurtz died of natural causes. Kurtz and a co-defendant, Dr. Robert Ferrell, Professor of Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, were charged with wire and mail fraud for sending $256 in ordinary bacteria through the mail. Ferrell, due to ill health, took a plea deal. Kurtz stayed the course and the indictment for mail and wire fraud was ruled "insufficient on its face" by the presiding Judge Richard Arcara in April, 2008. The feds decided not to appeal that decision. When their appeal time ran out, Hallwalls displayed the exhibit.
It was small but effective. The main room played a video that had ominous music as clips for local and national newscasts recounted the story. The drama of the hazmat suits was the focal point. It culminated with a clip from the film Strange Culture, a docudrama that tells the Kurtzes' story. Oscar winner Tilda Swinton, plays Hope Kurtz. The clip shown was of a someone receiving a subpoena and filming the Feds who were presenting it. The center of the room featured the infamous pizza boxes and Gatorade bottles that welcomed Kurtz when he was finally allowed into his home. They trashed the place and locked his cat up for days on end without food and water. Bean left scratch marks in the room that she'd been locked in. (She's okay, I think they moved her to Canada for safekeeping). Other debris such as rubber gloves and a hazmat suit surround the pizza box tower, which was almost 5 feet tall. "The Willilam J. Hochul Freedom Library" was of great interest. A small shelf of books that the feds confiscated from the Kurtzes' home. They are as follows:
- Anarchist Cookbook (a perennial "what if" title in library school intellectual freedom discussions)
- Bioterrorism: Guidelines for Medical and Public Health Management by D. Henderson, M.D.
- PDR Guide to Bioterrorism and Chemical Warfare Response
- Yellow Fever/Black Goddess: the Coevolution of People and Plagues by Christopher Wills
- Biological Warfare:Opposing Viewpoints
- Understanding Germ Warfare (from the editors of Scientific American)
Now playing:
via FoxyTunesTeddybears Feat. Daddy Boastin' - Ahead Of My Time
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: F.B.I., Hope Kurtz, Intellectual Freedom, Overzealous Prosecutors, Steve Kurtz, Wastes of Government Funding
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Random Musings
Thanks to the Obamas for instituting the "Terrorist Bump" (pictured above w/Zan and Jayna, Gleek couldn't make the photo op). As a librarian, I'm often offered a handshake from grateful patrons, and I usually wonder where that hand has been. A former Attica inmate gave me the option for the bump so I took it. His fingernails were on the long side and he smelled boozy, which made his hands' whereabouts questionable.
Buffalo sports fans are mostly slovenly. I realize every city has its guilty parties but ours are egregiously so.
Thanks to the lady who was walking near the Lake Erie waterfront. The circumfrence of each of her thighs equaled that of my torso, which made my thighs feel half way presentable in shorts.
Scream at the Librarian: Sketches of Our Patrons in Downtown Los Angeles by Joel J. Rane is an entertaining read of the dark side of librarianship. I'd love to give this to starry-eyed recent M.L.S. graduates. I never thought I'd relate to Rane's rants but I do and I'm a member of his cheering section. People's manners deteriorate over time and as public servants we're expected to put up with a lot. I've been to the Los Angeles Public Library in downtown L.A. Lots of eccentrics, homeless people, or both. Rane's angst is accurately portrayed as annoying patrons know no geographical boundaries.
I've sworn off Craigslist. I became overly involved in pointless debates. You can't educate people in a Craigslist forum. I already knew that but boredom elicits hope.
Now playing: Muslimgauze - Jackal The Invizibl
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Buffalo Sports fans, Joel J. Rane, Library Patrons, Los Angeles Public Library, Obese Women
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
I Heart Craigslist
Yes, I use it primarily for cheap laughs--to take the pulse on the corpse known as Baaaaflo. Here's a classic example of what's available in the dating world. This poster claims he's 28--looks closer to 38.He has the same suspect, angry look in every photo. Got to love the following description:
I'm looking to meet a good looking/attractive woman (between 18-45)for some fun and excitement(friends with benefits)and whatever may follow.Let's talk and get acquainted, and possibly meet for a drink.I do ask that you provide a photo(or 2). I have several photos of myself posted here on my ad. Aside from that,I'm ex-Army,5'8" tall,royal blue eyes,tan,athletic build,171 pounds,cleancut,and carry a nice package(7+).Drop me a line if interested.
I'm glad he took the time to measure his package. Most women want to know if a guy's packing heat before they even know him--gross. The promise of fwb is just too good to be true. Contact Private Gomer Pyle at the link above if interested.
Now playing: The Heartbreakers - Born To Lose
via FoxyTunes
Posted by Crystal Myth at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Desparate and Dateless, Gomer Pyle, Loser
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Meet the Depressed
I was in a meeting mid-Friday afternoon when an administrator came in and apologized for interrupting. We didn't care because we were just about done. She announced that Tim Russert had died. She received a text from her daughter or somebody. Her announcement shocked us all. I said that South Buffalo must be going nuts--that was their boy! As the news spread, many asked--'I wonder what happened?" I already knew. Tim just had that big pizza and chicken wing eatin' build that screamed heart attack. Combine that with a stressful job and there's the answer.
I haven't watched Meet the Press in years. Partly because I realize that there is a lot more than meets the eye of mainstream media. Pundit shows help set the political agenda for the week and they can make and break politicians. Russert was touted as an aggressive, hard hitting journalist but some felt that he didn't go far enough. NBC is owned by a major corporation. GE produces weapons and has a strong interest in the war. Anyway, Russert knew who buttered his artery clogging bread so the boat was rocked only in the direction that suited the powers that be.
Leaving that aside, Russert was an excellent Buffalo ambassador. Yeah, he looked the part of the Buffalo "everyman"--big and paunchy but that's what made him easy to relate to. He sounded a bit like Phil Donahue, maybe that can be attributed to his years in Ohio. His legal training combined with his political background gave him the chops to do good interviews. His hardscrabble, work-a-day ethic that he earned in Buffalo and never forgot made him unique. I make fun of Baaaahflo all which ways to Sunday but God help the moron who starts poking fun of this podunk little enclave! If you haven't served time here, you have no right to say anything!
Nonetheless, Russert was a Washington insider with a sharp intellect. He also had that difficult to describe "Buffalo decency"--he seemed genuinely kind and polite. Many attribute that to his Catholic upbringing and education. I can safely say that it's just the way many of us are without having to put a religious brand on it. A Buffalonian will befriend and help you almost to the point of annoyance. Many of us are just loyal like that. To have the good essence of Buffalo so well-portrayed by Russert was a gift. He'll be missed as a political commentator who can make the difficult understandable to the Genny swilling football fan who's wading through Meet the Press so he can see the big game. Buffalo will miss him as a booster--he kept it real while being politically polished enough to make us look a little better.
It was nice to have my homie Paulie Paul in town for quick visit--it felt good to raise a glass of Buffalo's Flyin' Bison Aviator Red in honor of Tim Russert. Very apropos, Paulie's been a close friend for dare I say 27 years--something else that's special about Buffalo...good friends are friends for life.
Posted by Crystal Myth at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Buffalo, Buffalo Celebrities, Tim Russert, Untimely deaths
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Gas Drama
Posted by Crystal Myth at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Annoying People, Drama, Gas
Monday, May 26, 2008
My Day in E.A.
Since B.J. the cat is under medical treatment (subcutaneous fluids) twice a week to assist with her gradually failing kidneys, Spike Rite kindly offers to play medic. I'd never be able to give the her fluids by myself. No that's not Spike in drag--yes, that cat is probably giving her what-for. He came out yesterday with Dookie at-law (skrewl, 24/7). We accomplished our mission effectively and then decided to venture into East Aurora. They wanted to go to Vidler's
so we stopped in to visit the candy aisle, which has lots of old school junk food--yum, yum! Spike reminded me that the "Cherryheads" used to be called "Cherry Chan" and featured a rather stereotypical Asian guy on the cover. See?
According to the Candy Wrapper museum site, the copyright date on the box to the right is 1943. Supposedly they tried to keep the name and update the box. They prolly came to the realization that there's more of them than anybody and it's better not to offend. But as someone with purist ideas, I am offended. The original packaging is much more fierce--like the Asian dude is going to kung fu your ass if you don't eat your fuckin' candy and respect his author-i-tie. Now, it's "A fat free food" made "with real juice". How pussy!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Candy, Cherry Chan, Hypocrites, Overly politically correct
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Buffalo Craigslist
I troll CL just for cheap laughs, here's today's winner!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Craigslist, Creepy Dudes
Friday, May 23, 2008
Miss Manners
I haven't read a Miss Manners column in awhile but I noticed that my hometown paper listed it as one of its "most viewed" stories so my curiosity was piqued. Essentially, the writer lays out their circumstances--they work 50 hours a week, no bennies. They live in a large city and the homeless are crawling up their tail pipe for a donation. How should this be handled in a polite manner? "
Miss Manners said, "It never fails to amaze Miss Manners that people will tolerate blatant begging (in the form of “gift registries” and instructions on invitations) from friends and relatives who are in more or less the same circumstances as themselves, yet feel indignant about being importuned by the needy."
Hip hip hooray! Confirmation in print that many people with events i.e. marriages and births are also strong arming others, they just do it in a more decorative way. I don't love being over 40, but age has its privileges as I no longer receive gift solicitations from people that I barely know. Thankfully, my close friends haven't procreated and they're either single, co-habitating, or just waiting for the law to change. I appreciate the latter and would be willing to celebrate the unconventional entering the mainstream.
Miss Manners closes by saying, "I'm sorry" is the best response. Perfect for every invite from someone you're not close to!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Miss Manners
Thursday, April 24, 2008
What Does Ellen DeGeneres Know about Cat Food?
Posted by Crystal Myth at 10:16 PM 1 comments
Labels: Dumb Purchases, Ellen DeGeneres, Kitty Feedbag
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Usually I write with sarcastic angst but today is different. My cousin's son is dead following a motorcycle accident that sent him into a utility pole. He died post-op as a result of a blood clot. The reality is that he was probably under the influence of heroin when the accident happened. He had struggled with his demons for a long time. He was only 27. I remember seeing him as a toddler and then a fun-loving adolescent. I'm heartbroken for his family. He was a good kid and a talented artist. He was in WNY last summer and I didn't have time to get together with him and my family. I feel awful about that. I'm usually good about making time because life is so short. Now I know I must be better about it.
Posted by Crystal Myth at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Ace for Your Face or Where Have all the Smokers Gone?
So me and Mike Rite went to see Ace Frehley at the Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls, NY last night. I've been opposed to casino shows because they have taken most of the business away from local promoters and they force you into their trailer park environment. Otoh, if you want to see anything, eventually that's where you have to go. Prior to the show, I was aware that smokers were a strong possibility. But...I thought they would accommodate non-smokers. Not to sound self righteous to my peeps who know what a cigarette slave I used to be but it's been almost three years and I'm no longer down. Every pasty overweight chain smoker was in the casino. As far as we knew, there were no non-smoking gambling areas. Of course they design those things like a motherfuckin' Skinner box so you have no idea where they could be if they existed. Thankfully, the Bear's Den where Ace played was non-smoking. It didn't hit me until this morning that the reason for that is they wanted to prevent tragic Great White type incidents.
Last Great White show, File Photo
Anyway, Ace's voice was a little shot but his band was tight albeit a bit cheesy when the bassist pulled the "put your hands over your head and group clap 70's style" manuever. They totally rocked the house with his KISS tunes! He busted out his tricked out guitar for "New York Groove" much to the appreciation of the dirtbags, tramps, and frat boys in attendance. Incidentally John Elder Robison, older brother to Augsten Burroughs, designed Frehley's early guitars. There's a full chapter about this in Robison's autobiography Look Me in the Eye, an interesting read on Asperger's disease. It's a disability that is not evident unless you know what to look for. It was a good show, glad I was there. We grabbed a drink afterwards and tried to gamble but everywhere you turned there were smokers. Aside from breathing issues, I was getting annoyed because my hair and clothes would surely stink once we left. And they did.
My favorite moment of the evening was waiting to get into the cafe for a pre-show dinner and watching a little girl eat an ice cream cone. I wondered aloud, how do cigarettes and ice cream taste together? Yes, you couldn't escape the stink even in the eating areas.
Posted by Crystal Myth at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ace Frehley, KISS, Rock, Seneca Niagara Casino
Friday, February 29, 2008
I could really go off about those who breed and have no business doing so but I'll just be specific and cite today's Dear Abby column.
DEAR ABBY: I am a stay-at-home mom of an active 3-year-old boy, with another on the way. Before my son, "Chad," was born, my husband and I took in a loving yellow Labrador, "Sparky" (now 8), who had been neglected. While I love Sparky very much, he is just too much work for me because he is so needy. He often becomes nervous and "stuck" in certain rooms and must be physically coaxed into the next room. His anxiety causes him to bark uncontrollably at cars, people walking by, etc. He is absolutely out of control when someone comes to the door. He has damaged our home, wakes us up when we're sleeping, wants to go in and out all day, and is constantly underfoot. Our efforts to train Sparky have failed, and I'm simply out of patience.The trouble is, my husband has no sympathy for the difficulty this causes me when I'm home during the day, and he refuses to discuss alternative options. I don't know what to do and have overwhelming feelings of guilt. I find myself actually looking forward to the day when Sparky dies so that I can be relieved of this burden. Please help. -- DOG TIRED, PALMYRA, N.Y.
Abby wisely tells her to consult with her vet and a pro dog trainer and if none of that works, return him to the rescue group where she got him. Fine. But the reality is if you're planning on having a family, why take in a needy dog? The fact that he had been neglected should have told you that he needed extra care. I'm tired of people thinking that animals are expendable.Last night, I was at Petsmart and I read the notes on the cage of a pretty tortoise colored cat. The writer noted that she had been thrown out of moving car. Nice. I hope instant karma takes care of the douchebag that was heartless enough to do that. Give me a great pet over an idiot person any day!
Posted by Crystal Myth at 10:07 AM 0 comments