Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Walter Mitty Dream

If you know me well enough, I'm a nerdy librarian who enjoys intellectual property issues. I wish I could figure out how to get down with an IP oriented career without a lot of extra schooling as I'm over obtaining way too much education for very little in return. I'm really good at busting misuse of copyright and trademark. Maybe I could be an IP criminal clearinghouse. I could cuff and stuff places around here big time but if I'm not getting paid in full, why bother playing Pepper from Police Woman?

Anyway, as the Sabres grapple for the Stanley Cup, the infringers come out of the woodwork as evidenced by this Baaaahflo News story. Sabres gear started selling like mad when the sloppy pizza eaters figured out that Da Bills were worth jackshit back in November. The linked article offers clues so you don't buy a forgery. Here's my favorite, "Another tip-off is spelling. The league has confiscated more than a few Sabres items labeled “Sabers.”" Ha-ha! These Bud Light swilling losers and street thugs trying to make a buck can actually sell misspelled items? PT Barnum's adage of a "sucker is born every minute" is entirely too true.

I'm nursing a cold so I'll watch the Sabres prolly soil the bed. I don't have a good feeling about this series.


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