Friday, June 10, 2005

Buffalo/Western New York Dictionary

In honor of my pals who are driven crazy by the way people say things around here, the beginnings of dictionary dedicated to slang and mispronunciations perpatrated by residents of Buffalo and Western New York. I often have to ask people to repeat themselves because they have a serious "flat a" accent and lack ennunciation skils. Feel free to add on in the comments section...

Bahflo (Bah-flo): Common way of identifying the City of Buffalo, which is situated in the western end of New York state along Lake Erie.

Dere (Dare): Polish influence has some peeps pronouncing "there" as "dere".

Ennernet (Ehnner-net): Faux techies mean "Internet".

Kinna (ki-na): Equivalent of "kind of".

Ohmygad (o-mi-gahd): Shows off "flat a" sound while expressing dismay and/or disgust at particular situation. Normal English speakers know this as "oh my God".

Prolly (Prah-lee): Quick way of agreeing with another's statement. It's supposed to be "probably".

'puter (pu-ter): Short form of computer.

Sometines (Some-tines): It's supposed be "sometimes" but not around here.


Anonymous said...

Here are some suggestions for your B-Lo/WNY dictionary:

Hundred (HUN-erd): 99 + 1

Breakfast (BREH-fiss): The meal eaten with copious amounts of coffee between 4 and 5AM to help one sober up enough to drive home after drinking heavily since happy hour

Dollar (DAH-er): 4 quarters or 20 empty bottles/cans

Five Dollars (FI DAH-ers): the cost of 20 beers on 25-cent draft night or five scratch-off lottery tickets

One Hundred Dollars (uh HUN-erd DAH-ers): $122.11 Canadian (as of today anyway)

On (ahn): the opposite of off

Milk (melk): most commonly poured over cereal

Weck (wick): Short for 'kimmelweck', a sandwich roll indigenous to the Western New York area which is topped with coarse salt and caraway seeds and is traditionally served with roast beef and horseradish sauce

Saturday (SAYER-day): the day after Friday

Anonymous said...

Here's more:

Ice (oice): water frozen solid

Pop (paahp):a flavored carbonated soft drink

Twenty (TWUN-ny): the number of cigarettes in a pack of generics

Fire (FOY-er): a rapid, self-sustaining chemical reaction that releases heat and light

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