Saturday, June 17, 2006

La La The Tragical History Tour

I'm so pumped! Hell's yeah I'm underemployed but I'm goin' back to Cali, Cali...stylin', realizin'....oh sorry...
I needed a change of a scenery and it just so happens that Alex Jones is having a boowah fest next week-end in Los Angeles. With Karen and Fry from France in the 'hood, it was a good opportunity so I got my Carpe Diem on and I'm Audi 5K.
I guess you could call this my "throwing caution to the wind on a budget" tour. I managed to get decent air/car rental prices. Karen and Fry are allowing me to crash at their joint. Every little bit helps. I'll have some "me" time while the goils are working it so I decided to book a Dearly Departed Tour. I wasn't going to do it but then I reconsidered after realizing that I don't get out that way too often. If you're going to do something, you might as well do it all the way. I'm really excited! I think I just talked to Scott Michaels who's the owner/operator of the business. He's a serious ghoul hound or as he refers to those of who enjoy dead celeb culture, a death hag. It's all about the celebrity death beeper. Anyway, Michaels also runs Find A Death so I hope he leads the tour because he has to be a font of macabre celebrity knowledge. I'll let you know how my ghoul bonding went.
Nonetheless, it's been a crazy week and I have loose ends to tie up before I bolt. Peace out if I don't squawk to you soon.


Harry Ballicker said...

I hope you had time to visit the Spellings for some fresh death. yipe yipe yipe.
Call Sean Rite for the address and be sure to bring a Beanie Baby for Candy!

hockey fights at