Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hey Dere Hi Dere Don't Tase Me Dere!

I'm poking fun at the Baaahflo Polish connection but the reality is this past week a 40 year old Polish dude who was trying to settle with his mother in Canada experienced death-by-taser. Their problem was that they didn't understand the logistics of navigating the airport in Vancouver. That prevented an efficient meeting. They also didn't get that we live in a new world where you can be killed at the scareport. For the full story click here
(It includes a nearly 10 min. long video)

On the video you hear authorities saying that the man speaks Russian and they need an interpreter. Hey genius, you should have got that interpreter about 9.5 hours before. By the time the guy started getting antsy, he'd been held ten hours. Oh and by the way betch, he spoke Polish until the storm troopers tasered his dupa!

Something along the same lines happened in the Arizona airport about a month ago. A well-to-do woman who'd been in rehab spazzed over missing a connection. Authorities jumped on her, handcuffed her and left her alone. She'd been drinking and ended up choking herself to death.

We're really doing something about those terrorists aren't we? They must have changed the definition to foreigners who don't speak English and desperate housewives with substance abuse issues.


Harry Ballicker said...

The poor bastard died 3 days later. Totally FUKT!

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