Friday, November 07, 2008

Nader Gives Advice to Obama/ Local Viewers Give Advice to TV Bimbos

First things first...“My advice to Obama is to try and organise his people, because from day one he’s going to be a prisoner of the giant corporations, who control the government he presides over. There will be a lot of economic crisis, wars in Iraq and on the Afghanistan-Pakistani border, and growing unemployment. So he doesn’t have much room to maneuver, unless he builds more political energy among the people. Does he have a personality for that? No, he doesn’t have a challenging personality, he has an accommodating personality to power and that doesn’t spell very good news for the American people. he is very belligerent toward Russia, toward Iran, towards the Afghanistan-Pakistani border. Barack Obama’s foreign policy will be very much like George W. Bush’s second term. If anybody thinks otherwise, they better be prepared to be disappointed,” Nader said.

Found this local anchor clothing commentary while Googling a local TV person who's leaving but staying local. I was trying to figure out where she's going. Just check Allen Arrogant's column in the da News if I really want to know. Anyway, the comments on Mary Alice are priceless...

"Clothing and accessories are a problem across the board in this town...yesterday Jodi Johnston had on a long beaded necklace wrapped around her neck 3 times that looked like she had just arrived home from Mardi Gras. Mary Alice always looks like her husband held up the jewelry store in Bedrock for their last anniversary. Let's not even discuss Linda Pellegrino's attire. I think she's really into Quacker Factory though."


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