Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mutual of Bahf-a-hole

It looks like we're finally getting some snow action after a experiencing a rather mild winter. My contraband bird feeder is still up and running, much to my surprise. I thought the douchebag landlords would've given me what for by now but so far so good. I've tried to be a good citizen by cleaning the area under the feeder (after the cat's nemisis Rocket J. Squirrel gets his feedbag on). BJ the cat is 15.5 years old but thrills to activity of the feeder once I grab her furry can off the bed and stick it near the action. Here's a sequence of photos that I shouldn't be posting but this beats housework--click on the photos for a little more detail(forgive the alignment of the companion text, I think you'll get the idea)

The Cardinals get some pre-storm grub

Polly wanna three way? (special guest star Chickadee on the far right)

Rocket J. Squirrel, ballsy character

BJ wants to re-create last night's hockey fight between Buffalo Sabres' Andrew Peters and Ottawa Senators' Brian McGrattan


Harry Ballicker said...

I taut I taw a puddy tat!!!
The pic of the cards is awesome.
That Chick-a-dee was looking to become Chef Boy-ar-dee for that male cardinal.Birdie Beatdown!!

That squirrel is little monkey licker!! Too bad he's cute!
I bet BJ would like a taste of him!

hockey fights at