Friday, February 17, 2006

Requiem for a TiVO

In all fairness to TiVO the above graphic is in reference to their "TiVO to Go" gadget that bombed, not their "raglar" service

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to honor a dear friend. One that is designed to die a quick, hopefully painless death...That's right kids, TiVO that fun piece of technology that aids in avoiding commercials and consequently, the corporate American agenda, bit the dust this past Monday night. It started out rather innocently...the NHL is on hiatus so that a number of players can kick it Winter Olympics style. I wanted to see when the games would be on so I could TiVO them for later viewing. As a hockey fan, I'm curious about how the players will perform for their respective countries. (I'll also add that the Team USA hockey sweaters are fugly--Team Canada has a much cooler logo) Nonetheless, I hit the "Wish List" function and began working the hockey keyword. All of the sudden the screen blinked and TiVO's last words were "Welcome. Powering Up." The screen did flip to a "Just a few more minutes..." Long story short, the hard drive froze rendering it inaccessible. Tons of cool programs that I had saved are gone! Including the documentary "The Censoring of Bill Hicks..." from the now defunct TRIO network. TRIO is now some sort of broadband content provider. If I'm not mistaken one of the major networks buried this entertaining and educational channel.
Nonetheless,my satellite provider gave me some options for my dead equipment. I also called the local dude who sold it to me and installed it. I should've taken a photo of him caring. Despite the fact that I spent a goodly sum with him over the last few years, he didn't want to figure out a way to hook a sista up with a good deal. So much for supporting local peeps. Rather than give him my hard earned money for another unit, I hit the innernet and I did a little in-person shopping at the big box electronic shops. Paul can rest assured I stayed away from "Worst Buy" which polluted the Chelsea neighborhood in NYC. In the meantime, I also did a little old fashioned liberrian detective work (using liberry databases) and learned that as of March 1st my satellite provider is leaning toward a leasing model to offset the cost of HDTV TiVO's. Apparently people are tired of buying equipment--I'll say, especially when something is less than two years old and it crashes!
All's well that ends well. I found a decent online deal with no tax and free shipping plus a rebate (I expect full Mike Rite props). I'll have a lot more room on the hard drive and the ability to burn content onto DVD. If you want the vendor contact, e-mail me--I don't want NYS ruining the party.

Oh the television man is crazy (Speakers up--boo-wah!)
Saying we’re juvenile delinquent wrecks
Oh man I need tv when I got t. rex
All the Young Dudes


Harry Ballicker said...

I was wunderin' what happened to TRIO!!! Fegures the big guy squashed the little guy, prohally some conservative agenda move.
I wish I knew which one of the biggies it was, so I can boycott 'em or take a poo at the entrance of their coprpoate headquarters!

Crystal Myth said...

NBC dude, forgot to mention it.

Anonymous said...

"I'm a dude, man!"

I loooove that song!

After spending nearly 12 hours on Jet Boo flight #217 last night/this morning, let me just say that there is nothing worth learning on The Learning Channel other than how to dumb oneself down for advertising revenues. Same goes for Bravo--whore!

Mad props to Network! One of my Top 5 fave films of all time. Eerily prescient of the way media has gone...DOWN!!! How are you diggin' lefty radio? How's it going over in Bahflo?

I shouted out to the Beast Blog too. Humorlessness is a detriment to world peace.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, did you read that George Clooney wants to do a live-TV remake of Network? Pray that he wins an Oscar. That's prolly the only way he'll git 'er done.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I forgot to send my condolences for your TiVO. I know how it is to lose programming you'll likely never find again and to have to shell out for new toys. But yo, now you can hook a sistah up with some DVDs!

Crystal Myth said...

Thanks--it's been a lonely week and a half but my drama will soon come to an end. Don't Fry who emanates from France, I'll hooks ya up!

Harry Ballicker said...

NBC - as in: Nothing But Crap!
Those bastards!
I'm gonna go take a poo at Rock Center.

hockey fights at