Saturday, March 04, 2006

Rubbery, Flubbery, Outta Shape Dudes....

Don't wanna be that WNY'er, don't wanna be that guy...especially the dude to the extreme right side of the photo. Oy vey! Maybe this is the lighter side of "what the hell is wrong with people". Maybe this should make me wonder why I stay here. This photo was the cover of the Buffalo News a few days ago. It depicts Town of Evans residents who are angry over their taxes and mad at their Town Supervisor who was charged with driving under the influence (of alcohol--prolly a Genny Screamer).

I don't know these folks. Nor is outward appearance entirely indicative of who people are--I'm not that shallow. However, if I were to choose music to accompany that sad group shot it would be Deliverance. Aside from the typical Bahflo fat slob, check out Mr. Handle Bar Mustache and Ms. Furry 1978 Perm (holding signs). They don't strike me as forward thinkers. It's that "I want-everything-for-my-community-but-don't-you-dare-raise-my-taxes" mentality. Taxes suck--especially if you don't own property. Property owners are entitled to write-offs. These folks should go after how the money is spent and how things are run. Stop living as if all prices should go back to the 1940's. Realistically, WNY isn't as expensive as other areas.

They seem to be the same folks who would willingly kiss off culturals and edifying institutions such as libraries that add value to a community in favor of extra money so they can buy more Ding-Dongs, soft drinks, and beer. Lower taxes would give them more purchasing power for their McMansions that ruin open spaces,impose on infrastructure, and overburden public school systems. These are the same folks who want quality education for their kids but God forbid they have to contribute to it. They resent public employees who are required to earn advanced degrees in order to work. How dare they ask for a living wage to pay the same bills that the rest of the community has to pay?
The sad part is that WNY isn't isolated in this mentality. It's nationwide and consequently disheartening and scary.


Harry Ballicker said...

The shot of that bottle cap brought back a wave of childhood scariness!! I feel a "Light Rash" coming on!

Crystal Myth said...

I feel some heavy diarehhea coming on!

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