Friday, March 24, 2006

Smash Up Derby

As all my peeps know, I got caught in a scary mosh almost two weeks ago. I thought I'd do some show and tell for full effect. In a nutshell, temperatures went from the 60's on Monday to the 30's on Tuesday. I didn't realize how icy the roads had become and by the time I got the idea, I spun out and struck a pole (the utility device, not a typical Buffalonian). Here's the money shots:


Harry Ballicker said...

Whoa Dude!
Good thing it wasn't a typical Bahflo Pole, there would have been even more damage to the car!
I hope you're feeling OK.
BTW - What's with the flag sticker? Did the auto joint stick it on or was it a suburban disguise to not be mistaken as an Al Q. Ida cell mate?

Crystal Myth said...

It's all Missy Elliot! Thanks, dudes, I'm doing well. Btw, HB, the bumper sticker is called ironic flag waving. See
It's a counter to the yellow ribbon idiots w/a side order of Orwell. Served.

Harry Ballicker said...

HB has been Schooled.
The reason I mentioned it is that I've been ripping out the (un)patriotic stickers on my rental cars, that they insist on putting on every car.
They can lick it!

Crystal Myth said...

The yellow ribbons are my fave because I always see them on a big gas guzzler being driven by some sloppy pizza eater. I liked my sticker because it looks patriotic but the subversive message gives pause to a thinking individual. Not too many of those around anymore.

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